I don’t have to tell you that this life transition can be a rollercoaster of emotions.
One moment you feel content with life, and the next moment, you want to get in the car and drive away from work, laundry, and all responsibility.
Rage overtakes you at the drop of a hat.
Or tears come all too quickly, at the slightest conflict.
While your hormones are part of this, so are emotions, internal messages and beliefs and a stressed out nervous system.
If you aren’t nourishing your body, and supporting your nervous system, emotions that are hot turn into an inferno.
What if energy work could move you from emotional turmoil to a more balanced place at this time of life?
We all have mood swings, and they amplify through menopause.
Mood swings can come from blood sugar dips, the changes in hormones, increased stress and … emotions that lay just under the surface..
Add on a Consult
Book a consult to walk through food & mood tips, and your emotions using the toolkit.
I’ll bring the reflection questions, you bring your scan, and we’ll remove these blocks together.
Receive Your Free Toolkit
Any Purchase of the CBH Energetics Awareness Scan using my code mindfood comes with an Emotional Toolkit.
The kit includes self coaching questions for your top 4 emotions, a crystal list, an essential oil list, a colour/emotion list, my core values list, along with tips to start being compassionate with yourself.
The CBH Energetics Awareness Scan brings emotional blocks to the surface, by uncovering your emotional patterns.
These are mine below
The nutrition panel offers a unique perspective on your nutrition patterns through energy and frequency analysis.
Your personal essential oil and healing colour recommendations will calm your nervous system.
Calming your nervous system and building stress resilience is one of the most important things you can do in midlife.
Crack your mood swings with energetic tools!